The Glittering Crowd


I have a gorgeous Lynnderella polish to show you today! It's the Glittering Crowd! I was actually super lucky because I won this polish!! It was a special day at Llarowe when every customer that was the 10th person to order would win a free polish. At that time it was "a little" less difficult to get Lynnderella polishes and you could even chose a Lynnderella polish as your prize.

For all the pictures, I used 1 coat of Lynnderella The Glittering Crowd over 3 coats of esence Banana Joe. You can see pictures of Banana Joe here.

1 coat of Lynnderella The Glittering Crowd over 3 coats of essence Banana Joe.

Sorry on the above picture you can actually see some flakies at the left bottom of the picture (not very easy to see, I admit...). First I wanted to use Picture Polish Festival over essence Banana Joe but then, I remembered of that pretty Lynnderella and thought it could look great over this banana yellow polish. So I just had time to touch lightly a single nail with Festival before I changed my mind and took The Glittering Crowd.

I wanted to do just an accent nail with The Glittering Crowd first but the glitters are so special and there are so many different of them, I then decided to apply it on all my nails!

Lynnderella The Glittering Crowd and essence Banana Joe.

Bottle close-up shot.

Final verdict: I just wanted to try this combo while I was swatching the essence Fruity collection, but I loved it so much, I couldn't take it off and kept it for a few days! The Glittering Crowd is an awesome polish. If you like glitters, this is a must-have, I believe. Lynnderella said this polish is made of more than a hundred different glitters!! There are so many different sizes, shapes, and colors, this is just amazing. And what I like more than everything is that, despite there are so many different glitters, they look well organized and so pretty together! I was really impressed and love it even much more than I thought I would! Here I used a rather thin coat of polish over my base color because I didn't want the glitters to cover the base color too much.

Purchase info
Lynnderella polishes can be purchased from Llarowe. This is the US stockist for Glitter Gal, Ozotic, Picture Polish, A-England, Hits, Ludurana, and Lynnderella polishes, awesome nail polishes brands. They sell internationally and have an awesome customer service. You can visit Llarowe on Facebook. The Glittering Crowd is sadly a discontinued shade now. It will not be produced any more due to the difficulty in getting all the different glitters to make it.

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